Thursday, October 3, 2019

Emotional Intelligence Essay Example for Free

Emotional Intelligence Essay There are various ways in which the government can punish the criminal offenders or the civil offenders. This includes, fines, imprisonment, or corporal punishment. In punishing the offenders, the society aims at revenging, correcting the wrong doers, and acting as deterrence for others to commit same offence. The current preferred mode of punishment is aimed at correcting the offender rather than punishing them Due to the changing situations, many societies have changed the mode of traditional punishment that were imposed on offenders and opted for better humane terms, for instance, compensation. There are various kinds of compensation that can be imposed on an offender. These are, fines, restitution, and community service. Fines have been imposed in the United States and the Canadian courts as provided in the statutes (Encarta Library). The fines are widely used because many criminals do not have the money for the fines. Furthermore, fines imposed on criminals would not deter them from committing other criminal activities as they know that they can just pay fines and be let free. In restitution, the court will order the offender to compensate the offended for the crime that was committed against them. The damage might have been in form of psychological damage, physical or monetary. For the judge to pass restitution, the offended must initiate the process, for instance through providing such things as medical bills or any other forms of prove for the restitution to be passed. This sentence is important because it is considered to restore the offended back to the original position before the offence. Community service on the other hand is when an offender is sentenced to performed some duty in the society. The state can then use some of the funds saved due to community service to compensate the victims. This method is important in that it helps the administrative to save the amounts that would be used in prosecution, and gives the offender time to reform rather than being punished. Emotional intelligence  According to the initial definition given by Salovery and Mayer in 1989/90, emotional intelligence is â€Å"the ability to monitor one’s own feelings and emotions, the ability to monitor the feelings and emotions of others, and to use this information to guide future thinking and action†, (Stone, Parker and Wood, 2004). To cope with emotional uncertainties, an individual relies on the competency of emotional intelligence. To cope with environmental uncertainties, an individual relies on the competency of emotional intelligence. The components of emotional intelligence are Self-Awareness, Self-Regulation, Motivation and Empathy Social Skills. Emotional Intelligence in an organization. The current manager of the team is a nice, welcoming and harming person. He has been able to give room for the team members to air their different views and allow for each person’s views to be accommodated. This kind of democracy has given members of the team room to participate in all organizational matters. One of the weaknesses with the manager is that he is not able to build a strong teamwork spirit. This has been contributed with the fact that he has not put in place principles that can enable people to put aside their personal interest and concentrate on teamwork spirit. This has allowed many people to mix their personal matters with organizational matters. To be able to connect my team members to act as one team, the five principles of emotional intelligence are very important. First of all by self-awareness I will be able to know exactly my strength and weakness. I will have to try as much as possible to use my strength to achieve teamwork and control my weaknesses, it means having full self-regulation. Different situations leads to different mood, but as a team leader, personal moods should not prevail over the team sprit. Most of the goals of the team will only be achieved only if as a leader am motivated by building a strong organizational team and put aside such things as endeavor for money and prestige status. This will play an important role in motivating other employees to follow the example. It is also important put my self in other employee’s position so as to understand their emotions and help them to grow in the organization. This can all be achieved if as a leader in treat all the employees equally and develop a good communication with them. A team leader needs to have the ability to sway everyone’s emotions. â€Å"If people’s emotions are pushed towards the range of enthusiasm, performance can soar, if people are driven toward rancor and anxiety, they will be thrown off stride†, (Goleman, Boyatzis and McKee, 2004, pg5). this implies that the effect of a leadership role will go beyond only having a job well done. Therefore to apply the principles of emotional intelligence to achieve the organizational goals are important. For instance, the development of collective goals and objectives is important in an organization. This will enable all team members to put aside their personal endeavors to achieve organizational goals. Leaders can also be encouraged to instill â€Å"in others an appreciation of the importance of work activities; generating and maintaining enthusiasm, confidence, optimism, cooperation and trustencouraging flexibility in decision making and change; and establishing and maintaining a meaningful identity of the organization (Eintel Organization, N. d).

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