Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Police Organization Essay

History of Police September 05, 2013 Throughout this essay the writer will be discussing the history of the police. Describing the impact that a gentleman named Sir Robert Peel had on American policing. A look at the relationship between the U.S. government and the policing organizations throughout the United States. Lastly how these relationships may affect police practices today. As we begin lets first get an understanding for what a police organization is defined as. â€Å"The police are a constituted body of persons empowered by the state to enforce the law, protect property, and limit civil disorder. â€Å" (â€Å"The Role and Responsibilities of the Police†, 2009) A police organizations role is usually defined as an agency within a defined legal or territorial area of responsibility using a legitimized use of force. Policing can be traced all the way back to ancient china. In didn’t start becoming more popular in the U.S until the late 18th century where the rich to protect property used it. As soc ieties developed policing began to transform into a group of appointed men to safe haven or monitor set areas such as towns or cities. Eventually it became the full fledge state and city appointed agencies that we know today. In 1829, a gentleman by the name of Sir Robert Peel established the Metropolitan Police Force for London based Scotland Yard. Doing this crowned him the father of modern policing. At first his theory and implementation of a police force was not accepted amongst London’s society. As time progressed and crime rates began to lower do to the police presence more and more cities across the UK began establishing their own police agencies. Sir Robert also developed what is called Peelian Principles which defined the ethical requirements of a police officer in order for them to be successful. These principles outlined that, â€Å"1. Every police officer should be issued and identification number, to assure accountability for his actions. 2. Police are effective not measured on the number of arrests, but on the lack of crime. 3.Effective authority figure knows trust and accountability are paramount.† (â€Å"The Invention of Peel’s Principles: A study of policing’ textbook†, 2006) When it comes to the U.S. government and the policing organizations their relationships often intertwine but can cause conflict as well. The police have a se t of laws, guidelines, and jurisdictions that they  must abide by. Based on city and state these roles may vary. U.S. government organizations or federal law enforcement agencies have a completely separate role that they play. The conflict can occur when jurisdictions and different criminal cases my cause confusion on which level of organization should be the ones handling it. Often times cases are help at the local police level until it reaches a certain degree at which point federal law enforcement steps in. As well U.S. constitution and political policies often impact police organizations. This relationship can almost be described as a love and hate relationship. In one case the U.S Government is making choices that it believes will be the best interest of the society. While on the other hand the police who have feet on the ground and actually see what is going on in society can beg to differ in regards to U.S. policy. At the end of the day thought it’s the police organization that must adapt and be mindful of every changing policies and procedures set in place by politicians. Throughout this paper the writer briefly covered the history of policing. We looked at some of the influences that starte d and paved the path for police organizations today. The impact Sir Robert Peel played. The role between the U.S. government and police organizations. Lastly how these roles may impact each other. The police at the city level are just one small element of vast security forces in the United States. Briefly looking at the just the roles the police play in the United States and not the various police forces and practices throughout the world. After the events of September, 11 the U.S. has sense stood up many various forms of Homeland Security and police type forces to help protect the United States. References 1. â€Å"The Role and Responsibilities of the Police†, 2009 2. â€Å"The Invention of Peel’s Principles: A study of policing’ textbook†, 2006 Week 1 Individual Paper # 1 Content and Organization 70 Percent| Percent Earned: 7/7| Comments:| All key elements of the assignment are covered in a substantive way. * Paper is 700- 1050 words in length. * Paper defines issues that show the authors understanding of the concepts. * Paper follows the theme of the  topic of the perception of Organized Crime. | | Minimum word count is met; the papers word total is 687 words.Your paper defines the contribution made by the people before an established law enforcement body and the contributions by Sir Robert Peel. Author’s current position and recommendations are described in detail. Points are supported with referenced citations. Your paper pointed out the importance of the main ideas and the key points that were established. You went down the line and answered each element. | The content is comprehensive, accurate, and/or persuasive.| | | The paper develops a central theme or idea, directed toward the appropriate audience.| | | The paper links theory to relevant examples of Organized Crime and the vocabulary of the issue correctly.| | | Major points are stated clearly; are supported by specific details, examples, or analysis; and are organized logically. Target points to be discussed. * Describe the impact of Sir Robert Peel on American policing. * Analyze the relationship between the U.S. government and the policing organizations throughout the United States. * Explain how this relationship may affect police practices.| | | Organization / Development 15 Percent| Percent Earned 1.5/1.5| Comments: | Paragraph transitions are present and logical and maintain the flow throughout the paper.| | You have a clear introduction, body, and conclusion present.Overall, paper is clear and easy to follow. The tone of the essay is appropriate for formal academic writing.Introduction establishes author’s position and introduces issues that are important and need to be planned for in a critical incident. | The tone is appropriate to the content and assignment. | | | Sentences are complete, clear, and concise. Sentences are well-constructed, with consistently strong, varied sentences.| | | Sentence transitions are present and maintain the flow of thought.| | | The introduction provides sufficient background on the topic and previews major points.| | | The conclusion is logical, flows from the body of the paper, and reviews the major points.| | | Mechanics 15 Percent| Percent Earned .9/1.5| Comments: | The paper, including the title page, reference page, tables, and appendices, follow APA guidelines for format.| | Your Title Page meets the APA requirements.Citations did not meet APA format. (-.3) No grammar errors. Your reference page was not in APA format. (-.3) No spelling errors. | Citations of original works within the body of the paper follow APA guidelines. | | | The paper is laid out with effective use of headings, font styles, and white space.| | | Rules of grammar, usage, and punctuation are followed.| | | Spelling is correct.| | | Total 94 Percent| Points Earned 9.4/10| Comments:|

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Evaluate a given situation to determine a company’s attitude towards social responsibility

The case of Company X is a good example of private enterprise that has yet to put social development at the core of its business. Before measures are laid out as to how they could improve its corporate social responsibility (CSR), it is imperative to discuss the basics of CSR. CSR is defined as the responsibility of a business towards society (Bateman and Snell, 2002,p. 151). It used to be that businesses exist primarily to sell goods and provide services (Pride, Hughes and Kapoor, 1988, p. 41). In succeeding years, the principle of CSR increased with some organizations becoming motivated in social development, evolving to enlightened self-interest. Enterprises were driven more by the need to enhance competitive advantage. Recognizing that products have achieved quality and price parity, companies saw the need to shore up their reputation capital. In essence, CSR became the competitive advantage. The shift it motivation for social development resulted in CSR becoming mainstream business practice. In recent years, companies measure organizational performance not only with financial aspect but included social and environmental criteria as well. CSR has made a big leap at the heart of businesses (Porter and Kramer, 2006, p. 1). Company Q clearly does not prioritize CSR. While closing some stores due to money lost is a practical move, they were not able to recognize the importance of maintaining customer relationships. True, they granted a persistent customers’ request to sell organic and health-conscious food but they sold it in limited amounts only. Based on the case, it stated that this request has been made for years, meaning there was a clamor for this. Company X was not able to see that. Declining to donate day-old food items to the food bank simply because they were worried of possible revenue loss and issues of stealing and gossip indicates that Company X gives priority to how much money they are making rather than how they could use the opportunity to contribute resources to the society in aim of improving the quality of life. The purpose of a business is not only to pursue profits. Since businesses are part of the society, they cannot ignore social issues. In taking their part in tackling social issues, businesses can create and maintain a stable environment that has long-term profitability (Pride, Hughes and Kapoor, 1988, p. 42). There are three areas that Company X could start with in implementing CSR- customers, employees and community. With regards to the customers, Company X could involve their customers in the product development process. They could provide feedback. The company has had experience in this area when they finally gave in to the customers’ request for organic and health food. Constant communication and interaction with customers is one way. Going an extra step may include putting health and environmental information on their products and services; getting feedback from customers on why they like going to the store and what aspect they feel need improvement (putting up a feedback box), things like that. Company X should remember that word of mouth advertising is a good and simple way to gain customers’ attention. If more customers like the store, there is a high probability that they would recommend it to their friends and colleagues. Customers should feel that the store is a safe place to stay so ample security should be provided. It is stated in the case that the chain closed some stores in high crime areas. When it comes to their employees, it is rather safe to assume that Company X does not trust their employees judging by the fact that they were afraid to donate because some employees may steal and say that they got it from the food drive. Employees are a major stakeholder in businesses. Without employees, the company would not advance. Company X could start implementing employee programs that would benefit them individually and organizationally. It is a fact that employees who enjoy their work and have a good working relationship with their employers are likely to contribute more to the company. Company X could start with putting work-life balance programs and those that facilitate employee participation in decision making. An open channel of communication between employees and managers is vital. After all, in a store, it is the employee that has the most contact with the customers. If Company X deems that donating day-old food results in revenue loss, they could still support the community in other means such as hiring of locals and purchasing products locally. This way, they could augment the income of the community. Additionally, they could espouse employee volunteerism in community development programs. They could also align social development into their business practice. Under this approach, they could identify their needs and determine how communities could be helped. It may not be donating food or money after all. Direct consultation with the community could make a significant change not only for the community but Company X as well. After all, they are situated in the community; they might as well integrate them. Businesses should discharge its CSR in a way that befits its competence. The benefit cuts both ways: businesses add to their income and their communities gain skills, livelihood and assets. CSR should be central and strategic to the business. CSR in an obligation seamlessly integrated into the core business. Everyone needs to step up to alleviate social problems and make the world a better place for the future generation.

Automation and Artificial Intelligence

Automation is on an increase across all technologies and fields. This increase has led to the transformation, and the future role people play in Global workforce. The rise of artificial intelligence will result in the need for new skills and roles. Some Skills and roles may disappear and others will evolve. Some industries may need more people and others may need less or none. The balance in human workforce will be impacted hard. Non-availability of required skills & re-skilling will disrupt the workforce in all industries. Organizations and people would need to adjust to this change. While machines need to be built and maintained, artificial intelligence leads to job loss due to the skill gap and jobs eliminated by machines.Impact of Artificial Intelligence on the WorkforceAutomation & Artificial intelligence will result in improvement of productivity and economic growth, but millions of people may need to switch occupation or upgrade themselves to stay in the global workforce. Automation will have a far-reaching impact on the global workforce. By 2030 at a 15% midpoint level of automation adoption, 400 Million workers will be displaced by adoption of automation. According, to a 2-year independent study by the McKinsey Global Institute (Dec 2017). It is estimated that in 60% of the occupation almost one-third of the activities could be automated. A SurveyMonkey poll on AI conducted for USA TODAY also had overtones of concern, with 73% of respondents saying that would prefer if AI was limited in the rollout of newer tech so that it doesn't become a threat to humans. USA Today. (Jan. 2, 2018). Unfortunately, with the pace at which automation and artificial intelligence are growing, 3 to 14% (75 to 375 Million) of the workforce will need to change their occupational category.Historical data on the technology shiftâ€Å"Innovation has generally liberated humans to be more productive,† says Rep. John Delaney.â€Å"Similar to the personal computer in the 1980s, AI will reshape our personal and business lives in such a dramatic manner, most companies today cannot comprehend the full impact,' said Anand Rao, PwC US Data & Analytics Innovation leader. Fear of technology advancement had always been there. From the textile revolution in 1811 with the advent of personal computers in 1980 world leaders and the Global workforce are worried about technological advancement. â€Å"The major challenge of the sixties is to maintain full employment at a time when automation is replacing men.† President Kennedy (1961). Although there had been concerns, every time a technology shift has happened more jobs had been created than lost. When a workforce is shifted from the usual mundane jobs, they have focused on more creative and productive areas, resulting in the advent of the human race. The past may not be an exact reflection of present or future. The advance of automation and artificial intelligence could be far reaching. A robot that could just build is different from a robot that could design and build.Artificial intelligence, Skill Gap & Workforce TransitionTo be successful in an automated world, Man & machine need to work together. One cannot replace the other. This would require new and niche skills with exceptional leadership skills. However, However, â€Å"77% of CEOs say they see the availability of key skills as the biggest business threat.† USA Today. (Jan. 2, 2018). According to an EY poll, 80% of the organization recognize the shortage of required talent to drive Artificial Intelligence adoption as the top challenge. Technology and Innovation along with the on demand human capabilities like leadership, creativity, problem solving, and passion will make organizations thrive in the market. Eventually an automated world is a possibility, however in the process will create major ripples in the workforce. The change would go beyond Man versus Machine and require re-learning and retooling.Impact on societyLarge corporations like Apple, Amazon, and Facebook had refused to comment on Artificial Intelligence. However, they do have people tasked with monitoring Artificial Intelligence. Microsoft had announced that they have created a review board called Aether – AI and Ethics in Engineering and Research. USA Today. (Jan. 2, 2018). Trusting and allowing Artificial Intelligence to control, drive cars and aeroplanes, and automated trading may eventually lead to AI taking control of learning and updating themselves resulting in an uncontrolled growth of machines. A study by McKinsey Global Institute (Dec 2017) suggests countries like China, India, USA and Germany will have more percentage of work activities displaced by automation. A 38 % of automation achievement would throw some western democracies to authoritarian policies to control the civil chaos as suggested by Brookings institution. Calum McClelland (2018). Governments and policy makers should handle this situation carefully.ConclusionEven if we successfully transition, we would lose all jobs to artificial intelligence and automation. Being creative and keeping us educated will give a good chance in this changing world.ReferenceArtificial intelligence: Doomsday scenario – or age of wonder? – USA Today. (Jan. 2, 2018)You can't have a machine age without humans – PwC report – ENP Newswire. (Mar. 1, 2017)AI creates jobs, yet talent crisis remains, according to EY poll – ENP Newswire. (May 1, 2018)Jobs lost, Jobs gained: workforce transitions in a time of automation – McKinsey Global Institute (Dec 2017).

Monday, July 29, 2019

Training and development Literature review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Training and development - Literature review Example Therefore, this means that it is increasingly becoming difficult to define management at the contemporary workplace due to inconsistencies in both the classical conceptualization of management and the actual practicalities of management in organizations today, due to challenges of the changing environment. According to Andre De Waal 2009 p.180, Vietnamese banks are increasingly under pressure to find ways of enhancing performance to increase their competitiveness in the highly competitive Vietnamese banking industry. Competition often results to scarcity of resources and decline of returns on investment especially where organizations have a low market strength compared to rivals, and this lack of competitiveness might eventually result to organizational failure. Andre De Waal presents on the much under researched topic of high performance organization and characteristics of high performance in the Vietnam banking industry, and some of the major HPO factors highlighted inc lude, but are not limited to, quality of management and workforce quality. Quality management entails establishing and maintaining trust relationships with the human factor of the firm on all levels by valuing staff loyalty, treating them fairly with respect, understanding individual needs, in addition to encouraging belief and trust in others. A HPO also develops its workforce by training them to acquire strategic competencies and capabilities, giving them opportunities to learn from others, and encouraging creativity in the accomplishment of tasks through performance reviews. The banks in the Vietnam banking sector have come under increasing pressure to implement training programs in response to the pervasive pressures in the banking industry, to achieve both competitiveness and sustainability in the long term. Ha Thu Vu and Sean Turnell 2010, p.115 states that the banking sectors around the world have been subject to considerable changes over the past few decades through a number of factors such as deregulation, mergers and acquisitions, financial liberation, in addition to other reform and restructuring programs. They observe this evolutionary trend in the Vietnamese banking industry that started with the transformation of Vietnam’s banking system from a mono-tier to a two-tier banking system; domestic Vietnamese banks later went through rapid restructuring programs, financial deregulation, and became integrated into the global financial systems. Ha Thu Vu and Sean Turnell examine the cost efficiency of the Vietnamese banking industry by incorporating the monotonicity and concavity constraints in calculating the cost frontier using the Bayesian approach. In addition, this body of literature presents that the Vietnamese banking industry has undergone rapid reform programs to recapitalize the banks, to reorganize management activities, to improve staff skills, and enhance performance. This research further observes that the overall progress of the ban king industry reform has been spotty with the profitability of the Vietnamese banks remaining marginal. Quang Truong et al 2010, p.75 highlight the pervasive focus on developing and managing the human resources especially in the light of the search for competitive advantage and increasing

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Discussion 1 Week 3 Researching Financial Information Assignment

Discussion 1 Week 3 Researching Financial Information - Assignment Example The cost of operation has been relatively stable in contrast to the increase in total revenue. I would invest in this company with the current financial position. This is because the company dynamic is upwards and they are no indication to show this is likely to change. Investing in young company before they become big has an added advantage as one is able to gain from its growth. The company profit curve has been on the rise although sometimes the curve drops down than the previous financial year. The company has performed well in the universal economic hard times and has maintained its overall total revenue. The total expenditure has been regulated and tend to as low as possible. This is as a result of effective managerial skills. I would give an advice that, this companys future is so bright and the trend that it has portrayed over the past few years has proven this. The management of the company is effective in cutting down the cost of running. This should go on to see the company gain more ( Orhangazi,

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Strategies of Hearing Aids Market Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Strategies of Hearing Aids Market - Essay Example An increase in the price of commodity results in the decrease of the quantity demanded the same commodity and vice versa (Keat and Young, 2009, p. 47). Therefore, if the firms reduce the prices of hearing aids, there can be increased demand for it and as  result firms can achieve higher sales and higher profits. Demand and revenue are closely related. When demand is elastic, the total revenue will be increased due to a decrease in the price of the product. When the percentage of quantity demanded is more than the changes in price, the total revenue will be increasing. While analyzing the price factor and demand for the hearing aids, it can be understood that reducing the prices can be a reasonable measure to expand the demand and market for hearing aids. But same time, the price is often regarded to be an attribute that consumers value a product and its quality. The case of hearing aid markets show that high price has become the main factor behind less demand for it and therefore firms can increase potential demand for the product if they can offer hearing aids for reduced prices. The hearing aid companies can have pricing strategies. Companies can increase the total revenue by decreasing the prices of hearing aids if the demand is Elastic or by increasing the prices if the demand is inelastic. The hearing aids demand is inelastic because there are very few substitutes and it is considered to be an essential device for hearing for those who suffer from hearing loss (Amlani, 2007). So, the hearing aids firms can possibly increase the prices in order to increase the revenue, but it may have to reduce the prices and increase the quality of the products in order to gain a better position among the competitors especially if there is perfect competition in the market. Based on market and situational analysis like Porter’s five force analysis, a marketing manager will be able to analyze various factors like buyer and supplier powers, competition rivalry, potential entry and other threats, and based these the managers will be able to implement either cost-leadership approach or differentiation approach (Keat and Young, 2009, p. 376).  

Friday, July 26, 2019

Significance of Social Factor that Shapes National Business Essay

Significance of Social Factor that Shapes National Business - Essay Example As highlighted by Grimwade (2000), this trade has thrived over the years owing to a number of advantages it has offered various nations across the world. These advantages have significantly benefited a number of UK business organizations. One of the most significant benefits of international trade to UK business organizations is in terms broadening its horizon and markets (EconomyWatch, 2010). If a business organization in the UK was to only sell their goods or services locally without pushing their goods or services to consumers in other nations, the UK would be completely limiting the potential of such business organizations. Such business organizations may more often than not be assured of a steady trade from their UK consumers, but they may not grow to their full capacity if they were trading with seven other nations, for instance. International trade is important to the UK business organizations as it helps the organizations in terms of increasing customer figures and sales. A s ignificant example of a business organization in the UK that has benefited from international trade in terms of broadening its horizon and markets is Marks & Spencer. As a company within the retailing industry, Marks & Spencer has about 155 stores managed under franchise in 28 regions globally due to growth in international trade (Marks & Spencer Company Website, 2012). ... to open themselves up to lowered/reduced production costs, for instance, a business organization in the manufacturing televisions UK may find out that its products could be produced at a substantially less cost in a factory in Japan. This not only helps the business organization save money, but also helps the consumers as the televisions can be sold to them at a cheaper cost. Tesco, a UK supermarket brand and a firm within the retailing industry forms a good example of a company that has benefited from international business. The supermarket opened up about 18 franchise stores outside the UK and has seen it and the franchisees share the cost of opening the stores as well as the subsequent profits, as a result benefiting from reduced cost (Fletcher, 2010). Another significant benefit the UK business organizations accrue from international business is in terms of raw materials (EconomyWatch, 2010). If it was not for international trade, the UK wouldn’t have been able to acquire or get its hand on raw materials needed to make a number of products especially within the food industry. As a colder nation, the UK depends on hotter nations for fruits such as mangoes, and the hotter nations depend on the UK for items such as potatoes. Therefore, without international business/economic integration of trade, the UK business organizations would have had a very scarce choice in terms of raw materials for production. Marks & Spencer as a small user of palm oil relies on palm oil imported from other countries, a benefit it has accrued as a result of expansion in international trade (Marks & Spencer Company Website, 2012). Another significant benefit accrued as a result of the expansion of international trade by the UK business organizations has been in terms of increased global

Thursday, July 25, 2019

People's Behaviour in the Quality of Service or Care Essay

People's Behaviour in the Quality of Service or Care - Essay Example A health assistant acts in the delegation from a health professional. The health assistant, therefore, does not belong to a distinct profession. Correspondingly, a health assistant works according to guidelines that the NMC conduct codes put forward. The NMC code of performance requires that every HCA have a qualification that also has evidence. The evidence enumerate the list of certificates that illustrate the educational level, the place of education and the specific skills that the HCA is capable of performing. Working in the community, I have been taking care of an 18-year-old patient in his home. The patient was suffering from a chronic lung disease and so had to use a tracheostomy tube to help with his breathing difficulty. The function of the tube is to clear and remove secretions from the patient’s airways and provide easy and safe delivery of oxygen to his lungs. There is this particular morning that I was looking after him as recommended that he undergoes saline neb ulizer every morning. This clears off the thick mucus he produces to make it easy for him to breathe easily. In addition, I give him colomycin, which is an antibiotic that helps kill bacteria. This is necessary for him as he is at risk of catching bacterial infections. Most of the times he is always asleep as this is done in the early morning hours. On this day, just as I was done with his saline nebulizer, he was up. I then began to try to connect the chamber to his trachea to start the colomycin nebulizer. He started shouting that he did not want the procedure done. He wanted to be left alone. He pulled the chamber off his trachea and kept shouting.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Debate from the point of view of Descartes and Searle Speech or Presentation

Debate from the point of view of Descartes and Searle - Speech or Presentation Example It is impossible to prove because mind is unreal. Rene Descartes: John Searle, my argument is based upon my thoughts. I am thinking, so I exist. See, my thought or the process of thinking proves that I am real and I exist. Why you people consider mind and body as a single unit? How can you prove that mind and body are same? I can prove that mind and body are different entities. At the same time, mind and body influence each other. Searle: We need not ponder upon the term ‘mind’ because it does not exist and it is unreal. Sir, you pointed out that mind and body influence each other. At the same time, why don’t you consider that mind is the part of body? I think the study of mind needs a satisfactory conclusion because we are arguing upon an imaginary thing without proof. When you say that the process of though proves the existence of mind, why can’t you say that the same process of thought proves that thought is an inseparable part of brain, which is real? Descartes: For the sake of argument, please think that you do not exist in this world. You cannot prove your argument because you are real. From a different angle of view, your thought or argument is totally against your existence. To be specific, your argument that you are unreal (say, your imagination based upon your mind) proves that you are thinking. At the same time, you are totally aware of the fact that you are not unreal because your physical body is here.

Strategic Management of Toyota Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Strategic Management of Toyota - Case Study Example The information for this paper will be retrieved from internet databases, online libraries, newspapers, journals, and books. This will ensure that the information is succinct and relates to the strategies of Toyota and all the aspects of strategic management that are in the firm. The key concerns will be the environmental scanning, strategy formulation, levels of strategies, the production levels strategy and the latest developments in strategic management. Environmental scanning is one of the most significant components of the strategic plan of any company. This is because a business does not exist in a vacuum and will often suffer from the effects of its environment. A company like Toyota has set shop in parts of the world and continues with its strategy of expanding so as to provide the whole world with the safest and most responsible means of transport. For this company environmental scanning is one of the most significant environmental global analysis. It involves activities in environmental monitoring, forecast, and assessment. The global environment includes that macro environment, which is made up of industries, markets, companies, clients and competitors. There is also the micro level's environment, which is made up of customers, suppliers, and competitors. In the environmental scanning, the firm mainly concentrates on the macro environment as the microenvironment is best dealt with at the industry or business level analysis. Environmental scanning refers to the study and interpretation of the political, economic, social, technological developments, legal issues and other tends in the business world that are likely to affect the company’s operations. The primary factors, which the firm needs to consider in the environmental scanning are events, expectations, and trends of the different groups that have an interest in the firm’s operations. These issues are mostly the forerunners in a company’s trend break. A trend break, in this ca se, refers to a shift in the value people lay on the business or technological innovation that paradigms a change. A firm like Toyota needs to constantly analyze its business environment so as to keep up with the trends and changes in the market. Trends seem to reoccur and change often, whereas issues in the business environment may either be temporary or permanent (Freeman 2010). The execution of s strategy in any organization goes through three phases, these are diagnosis, formulation and implementation stages. For Toyota strategic management is a continuous process to develop and revise the future-based strategies that allow the organization to continue being in the lead in the car production industry in the world for many years to come. The strategy allows the firm to achieve both its short term and long term objectives.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

God has Ontological Existence Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

God has Ontological Existence - Term Paper Example The religious philosophers, over the centuries have tried to establish the existence of God and have come up with numerous arguments .Major arguments about His existence are Cosmological, Ontological, Teleological and the Moral Law Argument. The Cosmological Argument comes from the Greek word ‘cosmos’, which means the world. The Cosmological argument states that the universe could not have existed by its own, there must have been some cause that would have made the universe and that cause is God. The Teleological argument is from the word ‘teleo’ that means design or purpose. As the universe evidences great complexity of design, the great designer, the God must have designed it. The Moral law argument proposes that the moral Law and Order in this world is alive and exists because of God who has bestowed human beings with this understanding of morality. According to the Ontological Argument, the God is the greatest being, imaginable, one of the aspects of greatness and perfection is his existence or in other words as God can be conceived that means he exists. Twelfth century theologian and philosopher Anslem developed this argument about God’s existence. This argument proves about the existence of God through abstract reasoning. Descartes in his Meditation 3 proposes about the Ontological existence of God .His Meditation 3 questions about the existence of God and his analysis is devoid of any scientific proof and religious arguments.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Life Is Easier Essay Example for Free

Life Is Easier Essay Living today is more comfortable and easier than when your grandparents were children. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer. Recently, my grandparents often recall how difficult their lives were when they were young, claiming that my generation has much easier lives than they had. I agree with them. In fact, life today is much more comfortable and easier than it was in my grandparents’ youth for some reasons. First, technology has made modern-day life much more comfortable than in the past. During my grandparents’ time, life was rough and hard because all the work was done without any modern tool, so they had to do their laundry by hand, walked from one place to another by feet. Furthermore, there was limited in entertainment choices in the past. They could at best listen to the radio or perhaps watch a black-and-white movie for pleasure. Today, however, living has become a lot easier thanks to technological developments. We launder our clothes with washing machine, uses buses, subways, or cars to move around. We also enjoy home theater systems, DVDs, and video games. Technology has definitely improved our lives. In addition, people today have more leisure time than they did before. People no longer have to work very long hours like my grandparents did. Since my grandparents were farmers, they had to work in the rice field all day long even without resting on weekends. In contrast, many people today, including my parents, simply work from nine to five on weekdays and take weekends off. They therefore have much free time than my grandparents did, so they can spend more time on leisure activities. They go to the movies, go to the gym, or take trips. All these activities have positive affect on their quality of living. In conclusion, people today have more comfortable and easier lives than in the past. This is the results of technological developments and the extra leisure time available. These factors will make our live even more comfortable in the future.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Symbolism In Hills Like White Elephants

Symbolism In Hills Like White Elephants Many stories contain symbolism such as the conch in the well known story Lord of the Flies symbolizing order on the island, or the name Fortunado in the story The Cask of Amontillado, symbolizing an ironic ending to the character. One story in particular that uses symbolism throughout the whole story to represent many different things is the short story Hills like White Elephants by Ernest Hemmingway. Hemmingway is an outstanding author and writes magnificent stories. This short story of his is about a couple who is discussing abortion in Spain and how difficult their problems are. Hemingway does a tremendous job using symbolism to show their problems throughout the story. Ernest Hemingway had a very interesting life and was a man who lived life as it came. His writing touched millions of people. He wrote about fascinating stories that were very strong and unforgettable. Hemmingway wrote about all sorts, pretty much whatever he felt like writing. Hemingway was born in Oak Park Illinois on July 21, 1899. His parents were Dr. Clarence Edmonds and Grace Hall Hemingway. His father was a practicing doctor, and later taught him how to hunt and fish. Hemmingway also liked to box.Unlike the bond with his father, Hemingway did not have a good relationship with his mother. Hemingways education consisted Oak Park and River Forest High School. Here is where he realized he had a gift of writing. Hitting the age of 18, Hemmingway decided to move to Kansas City instead of attending college. While in Kansas City, he obtained a job as a cub reporter on the Kansas City Star. During this time, he kept to himself. His writing style was first introduced by the Kansas City Star, it was brief and straight forward. Although his career was doing well, in May of 1918, Hemingway wanted to join the Army but was rejected due to a defective left eye which he inherited from his mother. Instead of joining the Army he joined the Red Cross. When he was overseas, one night he was sneaking smokes and chocolate into the soldiers. While doing so, he was hit in the leg by an Austrian machine gun and got over a hundred pieces of metal stuck in his body from grenades. Through unbearable pain, he managed to save a wounded soldier and carry him to safety. For his courageous acts, he was awarded the Italian Medal of Valor, a very high award. He recovered from injuries at the Ospedale Croce Rossa American, in Milan. This stay in Italy set a tremendous place to write his novel, A Farewell to Arms. After Hemmingways recovery, He returned to Oak Hill to live with his mother, until he was forced out for not having a job. After the trouble with his mom, Hemmingway moved to Chica go and got a job writing for the Toronto Star and was a sparring partner for boxers. While in the windy city, he came upon a women by the name of Elizabeth Hadly Richerdson. Hemingway fell madly in love with her and wanted to marry but money was a big problem. The two moved to Canada where their son John Hadly Hemingway was born in 1923. Shortly after, Hemmingway received a Nobel prize for his piece, The Old Man and The Sea. As success was finally with Hemmingway, tragedy struck. On one ofhis flights, his plane crashed leaving him with devastating injuries including a concussion, paralysis of the sphincter, first degree burns in his face, arm and head, a sprained right arm and shoulder, a crushed vertebra, and a ruptured liver, spleen and kidney. He was in much agony and pain for many months. In April 1961, Hemmingway tried to kill himself by putting a gun to his head, but did not succeed in suicide. While cleaning his shotgun in July of 1961, Hemmingway accidently shot himself. The gun which was made just for him took his life, and the life of an Author whose writing touched millions of people (Unknown, Ernest Hemingway Biography. The Hemmingway Resource Center. 4-1-10 Hemmingways story, Hills like White Elephants, has many symbolizing parts. Practically everything in the story symbolizes a different item. The story is about a girl by the name of Jig, and an American man, whose name is not stated. The story takes place in a railroad station while the two are waiting to board a train to Madrid. As the two await the trains arrival, they get into an intense, heated argument on whether or not the girl Jig should get an abortion. Jig wants to keep the baby, but the story indicates the man does not at first, but then emphasizes that he wants to do whatever Jig decides on. The story ends by the man carrying the bags to the other side of the tracks as they prepare to board the train and depart. The ending leaves us puzzled and unclear about the decision Jig made. At the end of the story she says I feel fine which leaves us questioning if she was going to go through with the abortion. There are many symbols in the story, but the three that are most recogniz able are the hills, white elephants, and the rail station. The hills symbolize one of many things. One could be obstacles that we as people must climb in order to achieve things. Being that they are hills and not giant mountains, we are able to get over them. This represents that the Jigs baby is a major obstacle in their life that they both can overcome and go on with normal lives. The Hills could very well be viewpoints to see from, but they block the views for people that live in the valley of the hills. This represents that in the story Jig views the Hills and finds opportunity while the man sees nothing because he is worried that the child will cause him to not have a happy and successful future. The Hills also could present a form of imagery being that the hills represent the shape of a pregnant woman. Jig could view the hills as a woman bearing a child is lying on her back with her stomach and breasts swollen from the pregnancy. During a part of the story, Jig mentions while viewing the scenery that they could have all this. Saying th is, she was meaning that the hills represented a challenge to face, new life to partake in, and possibility for the both of them. The white elephants are another sign of symbolism, which could possibly represent the baby. A white elephant is a valuable possession of which its owner cannot dispose and whose cost (particularly cost of upkeep) is out of proportion to its usefulness or worth. It is also a gift that is useless to one person, but priceless to another. This being said is that the baby is priceless to her, but her partner could care less about having a child. The last main symbolizing item in the story is the train station. It can mean one of many things. One side of the station is a dry, dead landscape, which represents dissipation and death of the baby, while the other side is green and beautiful, representing life, and a new beginning. Besides the landscape, the tracks also have a meaning. Railroad tracks run parallel, which means they never touch or run into one another. This could symbolize the relationship of Jig and the American man (Schaefers, Adam. Analyzing the Symbolism of Hills like White Elephants by Ernest Hemingway. Lifestyle. 4-1-10 ). Hemmingway wrote many great stories and used symbolism in many great ways. In his story Hills like White Elephants; he did an amazing job showing the trouble of a couple on a decision affecting the rest of their lives. Hemmingway has many other great stories and his stories and symbolization has given people different ways to view stories and has touched the hearts of millions. Citations: Schaefers, Adam. Analyzing the Symbolism of Hills like White Elephants by Ernest Hemingway. Lifestyle. 4-1-10 . Cummings, Michael J. Hills Like White Elephants. Cummings Guides. 4-1-10 . Unknown, Ernest Hemingway Biography. The Hemmingway Resource Center. 4-1-10 . Machete, Ernest Hemingway . Literary Analysis. 4-1-10 .

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Design Proposal for Smartphone Technology

Design Proposal for Smartphone Technology HUMAN MOBILE Your personal invisible communication platform The goal of this project is to propose an innovative and futuristic design of new era mobile smartphone. It is been suggested that the whole device will be implanted to the human body. The aim of the following analysis and key points are the correct choice of the right materials for the task, with focus on the biocompatibility and the practicality of them. Due to the introduction of the smartphone as we know it nowadays, our daily routine has considerably improved. With a device that fits in a pocket, it is possible to communicate instantaneously with anyone that has an internet connection everywhere on the planet, use it as a precise navigator while a couple of years ago it could only be done with a separated device, make payments through i-banking and not wasting valuable time during the day to deal with common banking transactions and the list goes on and on. It is not unreasonable to say that a strong bond is developed between the user and the mobile phone. People are rarely separated from their mobile phones and use them consistently. The constant use and dependence to the mobile phone can lead to several problems which are: the requirement of carrying the device permanently, the limited battery life although the progress made the need of carrying a charger or a power bank and finally, there is the probability of theft (especially if it is a high value device) leading to the exposure of private data. The introduced design can provide total privacy, a fabulous experience in video streaming through a contact lens and leaves the word charging back to history. 3.1. Problem scope Human Mobile is a series of the micro-devices implanted into the human body, through signal transmittance from each component to achieve several functions. There are many problems to take in consideration, which are: Each device should have a relatively long life span. Reduce potential radiation. Excellent thermal diffusivity. Bio-compatibility. In conventional mobile phones, replacement the rate of the old generation by the recent one is frequent, human mobile focus on providing customer privacy and latest technology. All the devices will be implanted in the human body, so the product must be designed with a long life span. Radiation is a potential problem that many people care about, due to fact that high amounts of radiation can provoke cancerogenesis. All devices should have an excellent thermal diffusivity allowing quick heat evacuation to reduce the possibility of the devices overheat that can lead to an explosion. The most significant problem is to secure the bio-compatibility of all the parts. Nobody wants to implant an instrument in the body that can cause health issues even though it is convenient. The above parameters will affect the selection of materials. All materials must meet the conditions mentioned above. 3.2. Design requirement The human mobile consists of five main components: an ultra-thin micro Bluetooth speaker implant in the ear; a photo visual processor, in the shape of a contact lens, making it easy to put on and take off; a pressure sensor, that acts as a keyboard and mouse; a circuit board containing microchip, acting as the brain of the human mobile, responsible for transmitting signals between the processor and the outer world, it will be implanted in arms; a battery to provide electricity current, it will be implanted under the foot. All these devices will be covered by a radiation-reducing coating material, at the same time; the coating material must also have excellent thermal diffusivity. 2.2.1. Ultra-thin micro Bluetooth speaker Micro Bluetooth is implanted behind the ear, it should be as thin as possible, and the level of sounds should be lower than normal Bluetooth speaker, because high volume noises will harm the ear. 2.2.2. Photovisual processor The Photo visual processor is a contact-lens like processor, a micro OLED screen included in to provide digital photo during use, the digital photo connects with the processor sensor, and the customer enjoys an experience of touch-screen everywhere. The processor must be comfortable to the eyeballs. 2.2.3. Pressure sensor A pressure sensor implanted in the fingertip, with a microchip attached as well and according to the change of pressure from the fingertip, the pressure sensor catches the signal and the microchip process it then sends the signal to the visual processor. The sensor should be as tiny as possible to implant in the fingertip. 2.2.4. CPU This is the most important part of the human mobile; normally a CPU is occupying quite a large size when implanted it in the human body, so the implanting position must be a seldom used area, like arms or legs. At the same time, the CPU board should be relatively flexible to resist and absorb hits and shocks from the external environment. The size of it should be as small as possible. 2.2.5 Battery A battery is needed to provide current to each component. The battery must be able to provide adequate current, and at the same time to generate current as well. A piezoelectric battery is chosen; it can generate current by compression. The battery will be implanted under the foot, so people can generate current by walking. 2.2.6 Coatings The coating material is used to cover every facility that is implanted in the human body. It must be bio-compatible and non-toxic. Moreover, during the selection of the coating material, a radiation-reduced material is preferred. 3.3. Design description When customer using human mobile, the CPU will send/receive signals at first, and then transmit these signals into voice/visual form to micro speaker/visual processor. When the user would like to reply at messages, he can easily use his finger tip to type messages through a lighten keyboard provided by the visual processor. Also more entertainment purpose functions can be achieved by these facilities. For human-mobile design, a combination of cost efficiency, electrical properties, thermal expansion and density are crucial. Biocompatibility for each material is not particularly included because the electrical component will be coated with a biocompatible coating. All of those considerations were put together for an Ashby diagram to be constructed. To reduce the price for implanted surgery, the price for each material is constraint to be no more than 25à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¤/kg while the density has its limit below 10g/cm3. Various materials from each group were selected for six major parts of the design based on the diagram in Figure 1. Figure 1. Ashby Diagram 4.1Microprocessor Every device has a brain to control its functions. It builds-up from four main parts into one, known as microprocessor. These parts are: transistor, resistor, capacitor, and diode. According to (2015), transistor is a device that controls the flow of current and voltage, acts as a switch on/off gate for electronic signals. Conductive materials like metal will easily transfer the electrical flow without control, while isolator materials like plastic will transmit neither current nor voltage. Semiconductor is the perfect material that able to transport the electrical flow and control it[1]. (n, d) listed some of semiconductor materials that are widely used in electronic devices. Germanium is on the top list, and placed on the second but is the most used for electronic devices [2]. Even though the charge carrier mobility is less than germanium, it offers a lot easier manufacturing process, exists as the second most abundant elements on earth, hence more efficient cost for production [3]. The second component is the resistor. Resistor has a specific and unchanging resistance that will limit the flow of electrons through the circuit [4]. The different point between a resistor and a transistor is that the fist only consumes the power but cannot generate it like transistor, thence it is a passive component. Materials used for making a resistor can be divided into two parts, the wire and the core. The wire usually made from carbon, metal alloy (nickel-alloy), metal oxide or foil. Meanwhile, the core often made from ceramic, fiberglass, or carbon [5]. To store the electrical charge of electronic devices, capacitor is used. Capacitor is made from conductive and dielectric material. Dielectric material is a non-conductive substance that determines the properties of capacitor. SCHOOT (2014) stated, glass ceramic is a pore free material which able to assist high dielectric strength and provide a high storage density. It is very suitable to be applied as a capacitor, especially if manufactured in nano-sized crystalline structure [6]. Finally, the last component that controls the microprocessor is the diode. It functions as a controller of which direction the current flow, prevents damage to the circuit due to back flow or electromotive force, and consist of cathode and anode [7]. It also provides time lag to stabilize the power within the circuit. Diodes usually are made from semiconductor materials like silicon. Electrons in P-type and N-type of silicon attracted with each other, they tend to build up until it prevents the free movement of any further electron [8]. To increase the conductivity of the circuit, copper or gold are deposited by electroplating process [9]. For this design, the materials chosen for the microprocessor are silicon for both transistor and diode, fibreglass for the substrate of resistor and nickel alloy for its wire and glass ceramic for the capacitor. Properties of selected materials are summarized in table 1. 4.2 Battery To provide electricity for the component to work, efficient battery which provide enough energy needs to be chosen. Considering biocompatibility of the component, green energy were chosen for the design. One of the options is piezoelectric a material. Piezoelectric can be defined any material, which converts kinetic energy into electricity. The atoms inside the piezoelectric crystal are arranged in an unsymmetrical way but however their charges are balanced [10]. Applying mechanical force into the crystal will disturb the arrangement and misplace the atoms, creating net electrical charges. Utilizing its feature, a piezoelectric device can supply self-sufficient energy system. Piezoelectric materials can be found in either natural or synthetic. Natural crystals which exhibits this characteristics are quartz, topaz, and Rochelle salt (potassium sodium tartrate)[10]. Synthetic ceramic materials with a perovskite crystalline structure are materials such as Lead Zirconia Titanate (PZT) or more environmental friendly lead-free piezoceramic. One example of lead-free piezoceramic material that shows big potential is Potasium Sodium Niobate (KNN). Figure 2. How Piezoelectricity Works[10] KNN based piezoceramic shows competitive value of dielectric constant (driven charge per unit force applied in the parallel/perpendicular direction) for about 9.01-13.81 F/m (10-9) compared to PZT 15.3-16.59 F/m (10-9)[11]. From medical aspect, bone can be categorized as piezoelectric material because apatite-collagen relationship can be assumed like p-n junctions[12]. Cytotoxities of KNN have also been evaluated and viability of mouse fibroblast cultured for 24 h were respectively 84%, which means the ion dissolution relatively controllable[12]. Alternative material, for example quartz or the synthetic version of it is fused silica, which has high purity silicon. It has been used for many medical instruments due to its inert properties and biocompatible with humans body[13]. Comparing between KNN and quartz, it is more costly efficient and superior properties to use quartz than KNN. Table 1. Properties for electrical material Materials Density/ gcm-3 Thermal expansion coefficient/ strainoC-1 Electrical resistivity/ Dielectric strength/ MVm-1 Quartz 2.20 0.48 0.52 3.16e24 1e26 25 40 Glass ceramic 9658 2.52 8.72 9.07 3.16e19 3.16e20 38 40 Silicon 2.33 2 3.2 1e6 1e10 5 12 Graphite 2.23 7 7.59 276 348 Copper C15100 8.94 16.8 16.9 1.91 2.04 Germanium 5.32 5.9 1e5 5e7 16 Gold 19.3 14.2 2.44 KNN 4.1 6.5 8e6 5e8 1.3 4.3 Speaker OLED As for a speaker used in the human mobile, the ultra-thin speakers were chosen. Piezoelectric speakers are chose for the reason they are much thinner than the speakers normally used in mobile phones [14]-[16]. In the design of human mobile, we used a kind of piezoelectric speakers with a good sound quality and with a thickness of 0.9-mm. This kind of ultra-thin speaker mentioned in this design has already been successfully used in slim mobile phones nowadays. The ultra-thin piezoelectric speakers are made up of 4 sections, single-layer piezoceramics, shim materials, an elastic polymer and frame, as the picture shown below. Figure 3. Piezoelectric Speaker Figure 4. OLED 4 layers Both sides of the speakers are covered by a silver electrode. Zirconnia and ceramics with an advantage in thickness is used as the piezoceramics layer [17]. Copper is used as the shim material and the surfaces of the copper are covered by the piezoceramics. This kind of section is used to construct a bimorph transducer. PTT film is placed between the 0.9-mm-thick frame and shim, and the bimorph transducer was then attached to the frame. In the selection of materials, the most important aspects we have to consider about are the thickness, density, thermal expansion coefficient, and electrical resistivity. An adhesive is used in the construction to connect all the materials together, and an ultra-thin speaker is created by arranging in a concentric circle . OLED is used in the construction of human mobile. Its principle is that through the smallest details of chemical structure or processing make the devices lighten and display. The construction of OLED is made up of 4 sections, cathode, emissive and conductive layer, anode, and substrate. The following picture shows us the details of an OLED. According to the application, though there are many options for each layer, we choose the materials with better properties and lower price. We choose high density porous polyethylene (HDPE) as anode [18], for the reason of its high density, and for the material selection of cathode, often calcium which satisfies the conditions under the construction of OLED. The anode, of course, must be transparent so that the emitted photons can exit the device. As consider the human mobile is a flexible device [19] so we choose Polyethylene as the materials of emissive and conductive layer. When we talk about materials selection, we talk about how does this product works, what is this products function, what requirements we need to meet, what materials we choose. Table 2. Properties of the materials used in speakers Materials Density/ Kgm-3 Thermal expansion coefficient/ strainoC-1 Electrical resistivity/ Dielectric strength/ MVm-1 Zirconia 5.99e3-6.11e3 7.8-8.1 1e17-3.16e18 4-6 Copper 8.94e3-8.95e3 16.8-16.9 1.91-2.04 PTT 1.3e3-1.33e3 138-142 1.43e22-8.4e22 31.4-32.6 Aluminum 3.94e3-3.96e3 7.7-8.5 1e19-3.16e20 10-21 Table 3. Properties of the materials used in OLED Materials Density/ Kgm-3 Thermal expansion coefficient/ strainoC-1 Electrical resistivity/ Dielectric strength/ MVm-1 HDPE 920-1.24e3 176-184 2.37e23-2.13e24 24.4-29.9 Calcium 3.05e3-3.15e3 11.4-14 Polyethylene 134-160 111-123 6.31e21-4.26e22 LDPE 16-20 190-220 1e21-1e23 4-6 4.5. Pressure sensor system The pressure sensor system is used to measure the pressure parameters which are being tested, which have been divided into two parts. The first part is the main part, pressure sensor, which is made of silicon (a traditional material for sensor) aim for receiving force signal. The second part is a small microchip which process signal and send it to the CPU. The material of the second part is same as the main microchips. The whole pressure sensor system acts as a mouse to achieve the anywhere touch-screen function through visual processing lens signal. 4.6. Coating materials A coating material is used for protection. Because our products need to be implant into human the body, we need an absolutely safe coating to prevent harmful accident happening. The coating must meet the standards which are: bio-compatibility, very slow or no degradation, and good surface properties. So, a choice of three kinds of materials has been made for the customer. First of all is bio glass 8625. Secondly, a hydrophilic coating suitable for vascular implants and finally silicone. These three materials both have a long-life, comfort surface and minimized radiation, and both of them are bio-compatible. When we decide to market a product, several critical factors should be considered: The competition from other peers Define the ideal customer The unique selling proposition Testing Media campaigns Our aim is to design a human mobile, according to research. No one has invented this human mobile. Once we designed human mobile, there is no direct competition from other peers, but we should inform the customer what are the differences between our product and a conventional mobile phone, and what kinds of benefits can a customer get from this product. The cell phone in nowadays has many different functions, it is difficult to let customer accept our product. People may think we already have iPhone, why should we implant a mobile in our body. Thats why we need to define our customer, we cannot assume that all customers will accept the idea behind our product, but we can focus to a specific customer. Our product is based on convey message, GPS, WIFI and personal ID verification. Nowadays, young people are interested in new technology, and they text each other every day anytime, and are permanently connected to WIFI. So they may be curious and would like to try this new product. Moreover, they may think it is cool to implant a mobile phone into their body. The cost of the product is 689 £, which is not cheap, but nowadays, the young people would like to pay for that even they cannot afford it. The iPhone is the example. There are two main factors in unique selling propositionà ¯Ã‚ ¼Ã… ¡ Benefit commitment. We need to tell the customer to know what the specific functions of our product are, and what actual benefit they can get. Unique. We need to emphasise our special function that our peers dont have. This will be achieved through the advertising and news conference. Only new and unique can attract customers eye. The product must be carefully tested due to fact that it is implanted in the human body for several years. Lab test can be done to simulate the human body conditions. Also to have more prompt results and not to wait years to observe a change, more aggressive conditions can be applied during the testing. This will help define the limits of the materials and map eventual regions of the components that are more susceptible to damage than others and therefore require more frequent inspection and monitoring. 5. As a new product, the marketing questionnaire is necessary. Is it the fastest and easiest way to know the customer would accept our product or not, and which kind of people would like to buy our product. Furthermore, we can adjust and improve our product according to the feedback from the questionnaire. Media campaigns are necessary part of marketing; advertisement and news conferences are the best way to promote our product. But it requires a significant budget. However, the profit will excess what we paid for the marketing campaign. As regarding the cost, according to materials we selected, and profits that a company is required to make, the cost of our product is 689 £. The price includes the price of materials (the price of the materials are based on RS component website [20]), manufacturing and labour cost. Surgery fees are included. Also, as a new product, we dont want the price of our product excess the existing successful product, like iPhones and Samsung Galaxy series. The average price of the iPhone and Samsung is  £700. So the price we are offering it makes the customer think about what kind of features he can get with same amount of money. References [1], (2015). What is transistor? Definition from [online] Available at: [accessed 7 March 2017] [2], (n,d). 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Othello :: essays research papers

Othello In Othello by William Shakespeare, the villain Iago has many motives for ruining the lives of Othello, Cassio, Desdemona, and Roderigo. They include jealousy, fears of infidelity, greed, and his anger at being passed on for a promotion. These passionate motives drives Iago, turning him into one of the most evil of villains Shakespeare has created.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Roderigo a solider in Othello’s army and once a courtier of Othello’s wife Desdemona is under Iago’s spell from the beginning. Iago’s manipulates him into aggravating Cassio, Iago’s rival and into giving him all his money to sway Desdemona. Iago tells Roderigo to,   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   â€Å" But, sir, be you ruled by me: I have brought you up from Venice. Watch you tonight; for the command, I’ll lay’t upon you. Cassio knows you not. I’ll not be far from you: do you find some occasion to anger Cassio, either by speaking to loud, or tainting his discipline; or from what other course you please, which the time shall more favorably minister. â€Å" (Pg. 673) Roderigo does this for Iago promises it will make him look good in front of Desdemona. Iago needs to make Cassio suffer and manipulates Roderigo to do it by playing on Roderigo’s desire for Desdemona. Iago also uses Roderigo for his money as well as helping his evil plans,   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   â€Å" Roderigo: I am changed: I’ll go sell all my land. Exit. Iago: Thus do I ever make my fool my purse; For I mine own gain’d knowledge should profane, If I would time expend with such a snipe, But for my sport and profit. â€Å" (Pg. 665) Simply put Iago explains that if it wasn’t for his plans and his desire for money he would have nothing to do with a fool like Roderigo.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Iago’s motives when it comes to Desdemona are quite the same. He uses the young girl as the object of Cassio’s desire to upset Othello. Iago also professes his love for the girl but not as a sexual object but as an object to be used to exact his revenge upon Othello. â€Å" Now, I do love her too; Not out of absolute lust, though peradventure I stand accountant for as a great sin, But partly led to diet my revenge,. â€Å" (Pg. 674) Desdemona is the major party in Iago’s plan for revenge against Othello. She is so important that Iago confesses his love for her, because of her importance.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Cassio is a biting thorn in the side of Iago.

Friday, July 19, 2019

music in education and health :: essays research papers

MUSIC AS A TEACHING AND HEALING TOOL Music is a remarkable tool to be used to dramatically increase learning and healing in the classroom. Its successful role has been documented throughout the academic community, yet, its use has not been widely utilized by teachers. Since Aristotle, music has been considered one of the forces used to teach. Moreover, for more than half a century the psychiatric and the educational communities have studied, analyzed and implemented the use of music as a healing tool and as a way to enhance the mental capacities of their respective group of studies. It has been discovered in controlled settings that certain type of classical music would enhance the student’s concentration time. The specific issues addressed by the study and practice of music has been divided into specific areas of the mental process. For example, learning a musical instrument helps the students the skill of repetition as a method to learn and to recollect information. Creativity and imagination also are improved when the student or the patient is taught basic concepts of musical composition. It is believed that music unleashes creative forces within a human being that are only accessed with artistic endeavors. Even abstract traits like sensibility are retrieved with music studies and the practice of a musical instrument. There is a perceptible connection between learning and music that teachers should exploit in the learning environment, regardless of the age of the student. Music could be used effectively from the time the child is in the womb and right through the formative years. While addressing the healing benefits of music it is noted the array of uses for this art. Every body in all aspects of life, to enhance moods, to depress moods, to pacify, or to reminisce, uses music. Clinicians have experimented with this art for various decades. Psychiatric patience are administered a dose of soothing music to lower the anxiety levels. Office managers utilize it to energize the work place. Learning centers use baroque music to enhance memory skills. Health experts praise the rewards of music in the digestive and central nervous systems, the enhancement of attention spans of patients of HDD and in addition promote interaction in persons who struggle with their self-esteem. Some specialists even use the term music therapy when using it to treat certain cognitive or emotional problems. Music as a therapeutic tool is not only restricted the use of recorded material or the playing of musical instruments.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Iron Curtain

Q. 1: what did Churchill mean in May 1945 by the term â€Å"Iron Curtain†? A. 1: When Churchill stated â€Å"An Iron Curtain is being drawn upon their front. † He means that during 1945 when the war was over, he was talking about an imaginary line drawn between communism in the East and the democratic governments in the West. This was to prevent more fighting over the systems; Churchill knew that the Soviet Union were dangerous. Churchill wanted the allies to get to Berlin and take it before the Russians would.He claims in his speech â€Å"Nobody knows what Soviet Russia intends to do in the immediate future. † This shows he knew they were a threat he just didn’t know when they were going to pounce. By making this â€Å"Iron Curtain† it would provide safety. Q. 2: what happened to the Iron Curtain countries of East Europe? A. 2: The Iron curtain countries included: Albania, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, East Germany, Hungary, Poland, Romania and Yugosla via.The actions taken in these countries were: in Bulgaria the communists executed leaders of other parties. In Czechoslovakia the USSR purged civil service, Security Police moved in. East Germany: industrial machinery and resources were moved to the USSR. The scientists and technicians moved to USSR. More actions were taken in other countries, the whole strategy of different countries had changed, this speech was inspirational and made countries feel like they could be independent instead of relying on others.Q. 3: Explain Stalin’s reply to Churchill’s â€Å"Iron Curtain Speech† A. 3: Stalin’s reply to Churchill’s speech was weird, Stalin didn’t really state the truth and made up figures to make people feel sorry for him, how USSR had been hit harder than any other country. This was the reason why Churchill was suspicious of Stalin because he wasn’t being truthful; he had become more independent more powerful so his response to the s peech mad Churchill even more suspicious. By Massimo Furness

Paper VS Electronic Media Essay

w every newsprint vs. Electronic Media Work cleverness and environmental ImpactHirohito Shibata Fuji make off Co., Ltd., 6-1 Minatomirai, Nishi-ku, Yokohama, Kanagawa, 220-8668, japanAbstractTable 1. carbonic acid gas emissions per social building block quantity for individually harvest-festivalThis presentation quantitatively comp atomic chassis 18s written report andelectronic media from the perspectives of carbonic acid gas emissions and reverse aptitude. Should we reject theme out of lapse ground onenvironmental considerations? Can electronic read devices replace motif books for leisure and run for? I discuss these issues based on non-homogeneous analyses and experiments.ProductIntroductionAlthough the subjectless site has been repeatedly dismissedas a romance 1, since 2008, the consumption of business leader radical in japan has actually declined. With the approaching of electronic edition devices such as Apples iPad and the Amazon waken, the brain of the constitutionless office is top in the spotlight. How hard should we play this sly coming of the musical compositionless office? What will happen to constitution? What be the relative merits of paper andelectronic media? My colleagues and I at Fuji Xerox are mensesly at land on a look into project that seeks to practice these questions. This presentation consists of two cleaves. The first partcompares paper to electronic media from an environmentalperspective, examine carbon dioxide emissions generated by paper vs.electronic media (e.g., ready reck wizr displays, projectors) for rendering or character reference work. I also compare work efficiency for paper vs. estimator displays. The second part compares paper books andelectronic recital devices (e.g., iPad, Kindle) and discusses whetherelectronic books might actually take the place of paper books.This paper is a brief report and addresses only the results of these particularised analyses and experiments.Sta ndardPCSpecificationsDesktop superiorDesktop PC17-inch discover19-inch DisplayNotebook PCProjectorPrintercentral processing unit Intel CoreMemory Less than4GB mainframe Intel CoreMemory More than4GBTFTTFT root Morethan 1290800Electro Photo A3Printers carbon dioxide emissions perunit quantity49.60 g/hour98.42 g/hour23.36 g/hour26.34 g/hour27.59 g/hour163.58 g/hour2.58 g/sheetEnvironmental Impact report card vs. ComputerDisplayscarbonic acid gas EmissionsTable 1 presents carbonic acid gas emissions per unit quantity for distri exactlyivelyproduct. This data is based on figures for life cycle carbon dioxide emissions for for each one product obtained in November 2010 from the website of the Japan Environmental Management Association for application 2. depend 1 compares carbonic acid gas emissions associated with each strength when construe an eight-page chronicle. schooling frompaper generates CO2 emissions only at the prison term the document is printed. In this case, the h ours spent recital do non shine CO2 emissions. On the other hand, when we read from displays, CO2 emissions increase in proportion to the snip spent education. For extended rendering sessions, CO2 emissions tend to be humiliate for paper for education many short circuit documents, CO2 emissions tend to be lower with computing machine displays. touch 27 and Digital lie 2011 conformation 1. CO2 emissions associated with drill material public figure 2 compares CO2 emissions for each medium for thecase of a ten-page document divided up in a meeting. If we deliver this document on paper, CO2 emissions increase in proportion to the number of individuals attending. If we engross a projector and a single notebook PC, the number of participants doesnt affect CO2 emissions. In general, if we are sharing documents for a orotund meeting, CO2 emissions are lower when we useprojectors than when we distribute on paper. When we share short documents in small groups of two or tercet, C O2 emissions tend to be lower when we distribute documents on paper.Technical platform and Proceedings7of key oral communication in text when using paper and when using computer displays. Reading from paper was 6.8% immediate than development from displays. There was no significant discrimination between the media in the recognition test of key nomenclature. Paper stands bettinger reading without loss of understanding. bit 2. CO2 emissions associated with meeting documentsWork clevernessThe analyses of the previous section assume fit workefficiency for all media. However, efficiency may actually vary with contrasting media. Lower work efficiency nub longerworking hours, which in pervert can mean higher CO2 emissions,since elements of the workplace infrastructure (e.g., ventilation and lighting) acquire to run longer. Ill describe three experiments that compare reading performance for each medium.The first experiment examines how different media affectproofreading when the goal is to detect contextual errors. body-build 3 presents reading travel and part of errors observe when using paper vs. computer displays. Reading from paper was 11.9% faster than reading from the displays. There was no significant variation between media in function of errors sight. radiation pattern 3. Reading accelerate and the percentage of errors find in proofreading to detect contextual errors (N = 20)Figure 4. Reading speed and scores for a recognition test of key words when reading with frequent page bit (N = 18)The third experiment bringd cross-reference reading for binary documents 4. Figure 5 compares reading speed andpercentage of errors detected when using paper vs. computerdisplays. Reading from the paper was 23.2% faster than reading from displays. Moreover, more than(prenominal) errors were detected (a difference of 11.5%) with paper than with computer displays. In both speed and accuracy, paper was superior to displays in cross-reference reading. Figure 5. Reading speed and the percentage of errors detected in crossreference reading for multiple documents (N = 24)The second experiment looked at reading when the proletariatrequired frequent switching back and onward between pages 3. Figure 4 compares reading speed and scores for a recognition test82011 edict for visualise Science and engineering paroleComparisons of CO2 emissions from paper and electronicmedia indicate that the nature of a labor roots which is more eco-friendly. The three experiments here point to the high quality of paper for different reading jobs proofreading, reading with frequent movement back and forth between pages, and crossreference reading for multiple documents. Clearly, this is precisely an exhaustive listing of all designates that aim reading. Still, the results suggest paperless work is not always the about eco-friendly work style. Paper should not be rejected out of hand on environmental grounds. Rather, we should select paper or electronic mediadepending on the detail task.Figure 7 compares task effect times and accuracy(percentage of correct answers) for each medium in an experiment involving see a manual to find answers. Subjects performed this task 38.6% faster with the paper book than with the iPad and 60.2% faster than with the Kindle. Of the five media, paper books were fastest for examine text for answers.Work Efficiency Paper vs. Electronic ReadingDevicesReading manufacturingAs a typical pillowcase of reading for leisure, I evaluatedelectronic reading devices such as iPad and Kindle for reading fiction. Figure 6 shows reading speed with a paper book, an iPad, a Kindle, and a notebook PC. For reading that did not involvemoving from one page to the next, I found no significantdifference in reading speed among the four-spot media. For reading that required page turns, I found that reading from the iPad was as fast as reading from paper books, but that reading from the Kindle was slower than readi ng from paper books. This suggests that the iPad is just as suit as paper books for tasks like reading fiction.Figure 7. Completion time and percentage of correct answers when see text to fold answers to questions (N = 20)DiscussionFigure 6. Reading speed Paper book vs. electronic media (N = 26)For reading fiction, our experiment showed iPads and paperbooks offered equal reading speed for reading with and without page turns. This suggests that the trustworthy generation of electronic reading devices is suddenly suitable for reading for leisure, at to the lowest degree from the perspective of efficiency. Clearly, other factors such as cost, weight, and design will also determine whether such devices gain wide of the markspread acceptance for this purpose.Paper books proved the fastest of all five media in theexperiment involving examine text to find answers to questions, the reading task rank as the second most common in the study by Adler et al. Moreover, as discussed abov e, the currentgeneration of electronic reading devices remains poorly suited for cross-reference reading, the reading task ranked as the most common. These results suggest that the electronic reading devices currently available do not adequately cover the wide range of reading tasks required for familiarity work.Reading to answer questionsTrademarksAdler et al. 5 observed various work-related reading tasks in actual work situations and assigned each instance to one of ten categories. Among the most frequently observed tasks was crossreference reading using multiple documents. Clearly, the current generation of electronic reading devices does not permit crossreference reading. These devices do not allow us to view multiple documents at the same time, and their form factors are as well ascumbersome to overlap or differently move frequently. For this reason, I evaluated these devices for the second-most common task in the study by Adler et al. scanning text to answer questions.Micr osoft and Windows are stylemarks or registeredassay-marks of Microsoft CorporationAdobe Reader is trademark or registered trademark of AdobeSystems Inc.iPad is trademark or registered trademark of Apple Inc.Kindle is trademark or registered trademark of Amazon.comInc.NIP 27 and Digital Fabrication 2011References1Abigail J. Sellen and Richard H. Harper, The myth of the paperless office, The MIT Press, (2001).Technical Program and Proceedings9234510Web site of Japan Environmental Management Association forIndustry, http// in Japanese Hirohito Shibata and Kengo Omura, do of paper on page good turn Comparison of paper and electronic media in reading documents with endnotes, Proc. HCI International 11, (2011).Hirohito Shibata and Kengo Omura, Effects of paper in moving and arranging documents A comparison between paper and electronic media in cross-reference reading for multiple documents, Journal of the kind Interface Society, 12, 3, pg.301, (2010). in Japanese A. Adler, A. Gujar, B. Harrison, K. OHara, and A. J. Sellen, A diary study of work-related reading Design implications for digital reading devices, Proc. ki 98, pg.241, (1998).Author BiographyHirohito Shibata received his MS in mathematics from OsakaUniversity (1994) and his PhD in engine room from the University of Tokyo(2003). He is currently a research scientist at the Research and Technology Group, Fuji Xerox Co., Ltd. Research interests let in cognitive science and human-computer interactions. His current research involves investigations of the strengths and weaknesses of presentation media from cognitive perspectives. He is a member of Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), The breeding Processing Society of Japan (IPSJ), The Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence (JSAI), and Human Interface Society (HIS).2011 Society for Imaging Science and Technology

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Interview With Special Education Teacher Essay

What she finds to be the intimately satisfying part of her job is when a p arent is involved in their nippers education. This involvement and investment helps the student succeed. Unfortunately, there are many an(prenominal) parents who take int return c totallys or attend meetings, which really hinders the childs mogul to assume since they are not receiving the same attendant in the home as in the school. She in addition mentions how great of a cater she works with in her building. This ranges from speech therapy, hearing/ vision assistance, the counseling office, accessible workers, the careercenter, reading services and numerous instructors.The staff has been meeting as a team for the undefiled ninth grade this school family because they birth found that this class has many emotional needs. It is howling(prenominal) that there is a group of dedicated peck who truly care for the students they work with. The most frustrate issue she and her team have faced this yea r is not only the common core political program and Annual Professional Performance Review (APPR) mandated by New York State, tho also the lack of attending of many of the students. The staff calls Child Protective.Services (CPS) or Persons In Need of Supervision (PINS) program and forms students to court, exclusively there are no concrete threats. The students go to bed that there is no real consequence for not attending school besides failing. Unfortunately, Niagara County does not take the parents to court as Erie County does. It is unfortunate not to be able to hold the parents accountable for their own childs education and essentially their well-being. Her advice to those starting knocked out(p) in the education field is to be hustling to work hard for less pay than most other fields. However if it is your passion, love it and live it.The students are the pay, is what she said. There are students that truly appreciate the teacher and to see them enter ninth grade and gr ow to be successful twelfth graders makes her smile. She is still in contact with many of her students and some even submit her for help in college courses. Parents of past students remain in contact, also. It is nice to know that one person depose make a difference in the lives of many students and families, alike. Her main advice would be enter the field and dont get defeated by all the political issues. It will be hard work, but very rewarding work.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

HRM 592 Week 5 Mini Paper Essay

HRM 592 Week 5 Mini Paper Essay

Academic Sciences has the capacity to such offer custom made model answers and essays which good will have the ability to help you long handle your International HRM essay writing logical and receive the grade you would like.Here in the third week of the special needs assessment being conducted on behalf of our client Sams’s social Club a division of Walmart Inc., the focus surrounds the large collection and its analysis.Following the collection of data and a annual meeting was held with Sam’s Club management and a such recommendation was made based on this analysis. The recommendations made was based on the similar findings generated from random customer satisfaction survey, sexual selection process for focus groups, identifying and documenting public key organizational objectives through questionnaires and surveys, collecting logical and tabulating responses from returned email questionnaires conducted last over a two week period.Knowledge or insufficient analysis of information, coming together with studying more into data than that which they portray, what are both ineffective pursuits.The growth of the organizations has continued, however, the total workforce needed to effectively meet the needs of the customer has been overlook. Based on the employee surveys, workers feel overworked, undervalued, underpaid, unclear promotional pathway, especially females. The 2001 PeopleSoft employee data release by Walmart, shows that women are represented a disproportionately higher rate than young males in positions that pay an hourly rate, while men are represented at the higher salaried management relative positions (Drogin, 2003).ReferencesBerr, J.

In addition you look at the best way to use a needs critical evaluation to recognize areas of learning opportunities, then choose the military training methods to optimize training effectiveness.aspx?post=32a76b45-56ae-48d4-999e-05d807af1ca8 Lifestyle Statistics > Walmart Stores > Number of SAM’S CLUBS (most recent) by state . (2013). Retrieved October 11, 2013, from http://www.statemaster.Its the primary key point of competitive advantage in the marketplace because role when compared with other people.Ideally, workers should think that the cover is full well worth the job they perform.

There are quite a few new approaches to assess training and development programs.As a consequence, senior management has.The next could be included by the strategy.Youll want to learn a lot about it.

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Monday, July 15, 2019

Counseling and psychotherapy

When deuce sight ar head-over-heels in hunch forward with psychely aboriginal(a), the contiguous decisiveness that comes up in various(prenominal)ly estimation is man and wife. join is a precise excite form in whiznesss sustenance. It challenges singles readiness and efficiency to track responsibilities (responsibilities for the childrens rearing and time to come and the obligations of spouses with near(prenominal)ly an early(a)wisewise(prenominal) curiously in their familiar flavor) for the incoming family that entrust be clear by deuce hoi polloi joined in sum. ab divulge race leave rotter except hold up into conjugation with tabu whatever apprehensions what aptitude be the vi subject paradoxs that pull up stakes swot up in the family curiously the y come forwardhful stack who argon in truth hotheaded to grasp into it. Yes, the consanguinity would be brachydactylic and windy if on that back breaker is no exam and crises thu s, it is inveterate for the wedding party breeding to perk up chores be name lines spike the alliance. only if how roughly if the job modernizes is regarding the versed incompetency? What if cardinals unify person is non fit of what the other associate is doing or having a injury in the non handsstruation link to devolve on?Is thither all base for this? in that respect argon umpteen factors whitherfore devolve on problems arise. Some of these be want of distinguishledgeable propensity, problems with erections, immature ejaculation and decelerate ejaculation, wish of advent in wowork force, severe intercourse, vaginismus, and familiar accidental injury (see Boulwargon, Carol. kindle Therapy Is it for you? 2006). In this pay generation, in that respect ar galore(postnominal) upset matings occurring be experience angiotensin-converting enzyme of the campaigns is the grammatical gender activity incompetency of the confront supply. It female genitals non be denied that there ar duplicates who quarreled so much because of the fetch up re stem plainly how ignore this problem be contumacious? repayable to this problem, experts invest the steering and intellectual hygiene in matrimonys to adjourn the problems specifically in their informal carg ir. These kinds of interferences real serve well the wedding civilize well. The purposes of this use up atomic number 18 to (1) k now what the disparity surrounded by psychotherapeutics and counsellor is and (2) take in how charge and amiable hygiene rear up the pairing who has invoke problems. II. intelligence A. psychotherapeutics and charge near of the time, carry awayment and psychotherapeutics ar terminologies that a great hand step to the fore ready back when used.Actually, p turn tailer would hang to advisor and it includes twain individuals still unmatchableselfing(a) together in cast to decl atomic number 18 oneself solution for the dilemma. It is a sermon that has several types in bountiful advices (see Schimelpfening, Nancy. What is the divergence mingled with discuss and affable hygiene? genial hygiene 101, rascal 1). This would toy with that direction get break withs solutions to the braces who has rouse problems by conducting a count tie in to type presented by the couple up. Moreover, a license headmaster counselling named Deborah Reeves utter that A well-trained healer go by meaning ofs the deflection among hash proscribed and mental hygiene.In advocate the therapist focuses on the here and now dischargedor situations and dish ups one mystify wagerer supply to deal with motley bread and butter situations (see Reeves, Deborah. Differences among counsel-at-law and mental hygiene. Healing-Minds. com). On the other hand, mental hygiene denotes as the therapy of aflame and mental unwellness. psychotherapeutics includes a ma thematical operation, a companionship amid a patient role and a therapist. A clinical psychologist is an individual that is very advanced in ? listen the thickening cautiously and sincerely yours ? Reflecting sympathetically ? Suggesting some views ? handsome comments and advices? Assisting the lymph gland/ nodes to chase and hear other options ? channelise the lymph gland/ nodes in exploring the depths of experiences and emotions (see Jaffe, Jaelline and Segal, Jeanne. psychotherapeutics and family consanguinity/ nuptials rede. mental wellness Issues. Helpguide, July 14, 2004). These qualities of the psychotherapist overhaul the get get hitched with couples answer their versed problems by tincture back what atomic number 18 the reasons behind wherefore they admit much(prenominal)(prenominal) dilemmas in their come aliveual activity disembodied spirit. The psychotherapist sets distinguishable goals in pasture to come upon the reasons wherefore the pairing encounters provoke problems.The psychotherapeutics bequeath first, groom insights regarding the conjure up problems of the couple second, register to intercommunicate much than efficiently to the lymph node/ lymph nodes third, watch to scat let turn up the inter ain and internal incompatibilities fourth, manage to lessen or relieve signs of excited disturbances that whitethorn whitethornhap be the reason why commove incompetence arises fifth, alters actions and activities to ready relational, loving and vocational surgical operation sixth, clients individual(prenominal) outgrowth and proceeds and the outlive one is, restore the clients biography collect to awry(p) commove experiences in early life (see Jaffe, Jaelline and Segal, Jeanne. psychotherapeutics and blood/ wedding ceremony rede. kind wellness Issues. Helpguide, July 14, 2004). B. how do steering and psychotherapeutics ease wedding with get off activity problems? wedlock advise is overly know as couples therapy which serve well unify couples separate, recognise and drop dead out the conflicts and develops their descent. conglutination counsel and psychotherapy provide the couples the methods to drag their discourse disclose, run into divagations, work the problem and bring on a banter in a robust way. espousal guidance is ordinarily provided by therapists that grow licensed who argon called as conjugal union and family therapists.Moreover, legal age of the marriages be not perfect. either individual has his protest values, principles, and personal range in the alliance and to a greater extent frequently, those characters do not evermore go with the partners character. Furthermore, marriage focussing laughingstock succor the marriage life in dealings umteen issues particularly in the marriage- ride-life that can get to air pressure in the relationship. Generally, marriage commission ordinarily put together th e couples in conjunction therapy sessions where the counsel or therapist assists the couples discover, recognize and recognise the get-go cause of their bring up problems and onrush to calculate them.Both spouses leave alone date and give way the hot and the problematical sides of their relationship that presume their arouse activity drives. In this case, the marriage therapist or counselor volition not read biases in whatever of the sides in the conflicts (see trade union charge working through relationship problems. MayoClinic. com, tools for wellnessier life. October 17, 2006). Moreover, as mentioned in the first place that psychotherapy is a form of treating steamy or mental sickness by means of chatting which mention the clients antecedent and other issues that ar cogitate with a mental wellness expert.It is too called as shed word, psychological therapy, commission or beneficial therapy. alike in focusing, psychotherapy sessions overly g arter the couple able to check off regarding the ascendant cause of their depend on problems so that they can look it, square off out in how to autumn point and miscellanea thoughts which bias their depend upon life, get wind for better methods to conquer and work out the end up problems and find out to set up practical(a) objectives for their shake up life (see psychotherapeutics An overview of the types of therapy. MayoClinic. com, tools for wellnessy lives. October 17, 2006). b. 1 elicit Therapy awake therapy is a specialised and guileless treatment procedure to dilemmas of intimate demonstration and function. In a current investigate of the journal of the American medical examination familiarity express that 3 out of 10 men and 4 out of 10 women al little undergone intimate dilemmas. The problems that usually arise for men are the untimely ejaculation, commencement internal desire and dysfunction. tour for women, the knowledgeable problems are with arousal, torment through out the intercourse and low knowledgeable desire. These kinds of matters are need to be handle to rescind deeper problem that may lead to insularism or divorce.Individuals or married couples savour for sex treatment after(prenominal) they assay to solve their sex problems merely failed (see Boulware, Carol. finish Therapy Is it for you? 2006). III. final result instruction and psychotherapy are such a well-favored attention to foreclose the relationship intact. It is real sure that sex is one of the spices in a married life. matrimonial throng who consecrate sex problems should not be hesitating to come to hash out and psychotherapy because it leave alone help them identify and understand the informant causes of their problem.They are to a fault disposed suggestions and solutions that make their sex life more excite and interesting. Bibliography 1. Jaffe, Jaelline and Segal, Jeanne. psychotherapy and family relationship/ matrimon y steering. mental health Issues. Helpguide, July 14, 2004. http//www. helpguide. org/mental/psychotherapy_relationship_marriage_counseling. htm 2. Schimelpfening, Nancy. What is the difference in the midst of steering and psychotherapeutics. psychotherapy 101, rogue 1. http//depression. about. com/cs/psychotherapy/a/whatistherapy_2. htm 3. Reeves, Deborah. Differences betwixt counseling and psychotherapy.Healing-Minds. com. http//www. healing-minds. com/vs. hypertext mark-up language 4. wedding party centering operative through relationship problems. MayoClinic. com, tools for better life. October 17, 2006. http//www. mayoclinic. com/health/marriage-counseling/MH00104 5. Psychotherapy An overview of the types of therapy. MayoClinic. com, tools for healthier lives. October 17, 2006. http//www. mayoclinic. com/health/psychotherapy/MH00009 6. Boulware, Carol. Sex Therapy Is it for you? 2006. http//www. psychotherapist. cabbage/sextherapy/sex-therapy. htmanchor520639